Brightside AcademyPublished
June 6, 2017Category
In 2014, the United States Census Bureau reported that the median income for families with head of the household between the ages of 25 and 44 was $54,305 to $66,700 (Frankel, 2016). For a single person household, these numbers may not seem that low, but for a family of four, it may be difficult to live on such an income. It is important that families with children understand how to save money while also not sacrificing their children’s needs and the family’s quality of life. Follow these tips to save you more money!
If you’re a parent you’ve been there, on your way home your child is demanding fast food, you tell them there’s food in the house but they aren’t taking no for an answer and you cave in. You think to yourself it’s just a dollar cheese burger how could it hurt? Well, the Average American spends $1,200 annually on fast food alone! (Lake, 2015). That money could go to that family vacation you’ve always wanted to go on or a special treat you’ve always dreamed of having. By cutting down on fast food and eating more meals at home you save more money in the long run. Here are some ways to cutback on the cost of eating in your household:
Now this may seem a bit vague, but I mean just that. Save everything you possibly can, money, time, clothes, energy you name it! Check your monthly bank statements, find the thing that you spend the most money on that is not included in your necessities to live and cut back on it. You will be surprised to see how much money you’ll save. Does your family enjoy going to the movies every weekend? Opt for a movie night in, grab some store popcorn, dim your living room lights, and turn your home into your own cinema! There are so many ways to save additional costs for the household. Here are a few:
With these tips your family will be saving money in no time! For more helpful resources be sure to check Brightside Academy’s blog regularly and like and share this article on Facebook!
Lake, Rebecca. (2015). Fast Food Statistics: 23 Shocking Facts and Habits. CreditDonkey. Retrieved Online:
Frankel, Matthew. (2016). Here’s the Average American Household Income — How Do You Compare? TheMotleyFool. Retrieved Online:
At Brightside Academy, we understand that a nurturing environment is the cornerstone of a child’s happiness and development. From the moment children step through our doors, our commitment to fostering a supportive atmosphere becomes evident….
Read MoreAt Brightside Academy, we understand that a nurturing environment is the cornerstone of a child’s happiness and development. From the moment children step through our doors, our commitment to fostering a supportive atmosphere becomes evident….
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