
August 29, 2018

Careers in Early Education and Childcare

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The experiences children have during pre-school and early childhood education can have a constructive and lasting impression on their educational development. If you’re passionate about teaching children and passionate about helping ensure they are equipped with the intellectual building blocks necessary for future success, a career in early childhood might

August 22, 2018

The Benefits of After School Care

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After school programs are critical for working parents. Many Brightside Academy families have inconsistent work hours and rely on our after-school program to maintain their work schedule. Parents without after-school care may experience stress, distraction, and lower work productivity.

According to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Juvenile Delinquency

July 16, 2018

Tips to Help Overcome Bed Wetting

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Bedwetting can be frustrating for everyone involved. Parents and guardians struggle to find a solution to help their child while having to deal with soiled clothes, sheets and mattresses, and sometimes even teasing siblings. Your child can also experience shame if the situation isn’t dealt with compassionately and objectively. Fortunately,

July 13, 2018

The National Aviary Visits 4 Smithfield

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The kids at 4 Smithfield Had a visit from some very special guests! The National Aviary brought some birds to teach the children about how they behave. This was an incredibly educational and fun experience for the kids. Thanks for visiting us!
July 9, 2018

8 Toys and Gadgets to Promote Learning

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With so many toys on the market, how do you make sure that your child is having constructive fun? The following toys promote learning and will be sure to keep the kids busy for hours.

1. Legos. Legos and other building blocks are classic educational toys for